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What the Princeton Mercer Regional Chamber Can Do for You

What the Princeton Mercer Regional Chamber Can Do for You

Unless you take a deep dive into the Princeton Mercer Regional Chamber website, follow our social media pages closely, and read every email, it can be difficult to fully grasp and appreciate the value of Chamber membership. While certain types of events and programs often receive the most attention, Chamber staff, resources, and online platforms deliver tremendous benefits on a daily basis.

We’ve created this overview as a concise guide of the Chamber’s value proposition and a guide to various Chamber resources. This is ideal for:

  • Businesses and organizations that are considering Chamber membership.
  • New members who want to realize the greatest return on their Chamber investment.
  • Long-time Chamber members who want to re-engage and maximize the value of their membership.

7 Ways the Chamber Delivers Value to Members

1) Grow your network and share referrals during monthly networking events, including Membership Luncheons, Business After Business Receptions, and Business Before Business Virtual Speed Networking

2) Connect with industry peers and stay up to speed on relevant news and insights by participating in one of our nine targeted business programs or volunteering to serve on a committee. Check out the dropdown menu under PROGRAMS on the Chamber website.

3) Get found by people or companies seeking your products and services through our member directory, which includes your logo, contact information, a link to your website, and more!

4) Take advantage of free opportunities to build visibility for your organization.

  • Make sure your directory listing is complete, accurate, and updated.
  • Share information about your organization in the Member News section of our website.
  • Join our Facebook Virtual Community.

5) Advertise to a highly desirable business community through Princeton Mercer Chamber website advertising, signature event sponsorships, eblasts, and targeted social media posts.

6) Save time and money by leveraging valuable Chamber resources like the Multiple Employer 401k Aggregate Program (MEAP), a qualified group retirement plan that multiple member organizations can join through their association with the Chamber.

7) Seek help making the right connections with fellow members by strategizing with Chamber staff and ambassadors!

New Jersey Moves Up the Ranks for States with a Desirable Business Climate

The Princeton Mercer Chamber recently published an Impact Update that illustrates how the Chamber is making a difference in the region’s business community. In addition to networking opportunities, business resources, educational programs, committees, and more, coordinated advocacy by the Chamber and statewide partners has played a major role in New Jersey’s giant leap from 42 to 19 in CNBC’s Top States for Doing Business rankings.

We encourage you to read the Chamber’s Impact Update in its entirety.

What Chamber Members Have to Say

Of course, the best way to truly understand the value of membership with the Princeton Mercer Regional Chamber is to speak with members. Here are comments from two members who joined the Chamber at critical stages of their businesses and have experienced growth as a direct result of their Chamber involvement.

“I was always searching for a community where I belong, and one that offered me an opportunity to grow my business… I love meeting new people and finding out about their businesses, dreams, and aspirations. The Chamber provides so many opportunities to grow and connect… As Chamber members, we succeed by giving openly and graciously. When you help others, you attract people who are eager to support you as well.”
Kapu Patel, Kapu Patel Photography (Read the full article)

“When I renew my chamber membership, I don’t try to calculate how much business I received from the chamber. It all adds up over time, and it often happens organically… I’m building my network every day. Earning people’s trust is incredibly valuable to any business because it pays dividends for years.”
Lisa Linkowski, Milestone Franchising (Read the full article)

Experience the Chamber in Person

Browse the Princeton Mercer Regional Chamber event calendar to find an event that aligns with your schedule, interests, and priorities. Monthly Membership Orientation meetings provide a fantastic overview of chamber opportunities for new members and a valuable refresher for existing members.

Register for a networking event, explore a Chamber program or committee, or attend events that focus on timely issues facing the business community. The more you get involved, the more value you’ll receive from your Chamber membership!

If you have questions about the Chamber and how to maximize the value of your membership, get in touch to speak with a member of the chamber staff. We look forward to hearing from you!

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