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A prime example of how everything impacts everything else- in this case, caregiving for older adults.

A prime example of how everything impacts everything else- in this case, caregiving for older adults.

I had given a presentation on aging and the issues facing older adults in my French class this evening  (Oui, j'assiste un cours de français.), and interestingly on the way home, this story came up on Marketplace...the problems facing older adults and providing care for them in the United States parallels what is going on worldwide. 

Poorly reimbursed, undervalued, & overlooked is the reality for most individuals providing care for older adults- from the geriatricians to the frontline providers of care at home. The latter individuals are the "boots on the ground" workforce that is keeping many folks at home and out of institutions. 

And in these ever-evolving times, so many issues are impacting them in a bad way. If this workforce is diminished further, I really don't know what's going to become of homecare for older adults and the very structure of many of our communities. 

What can we do to help? Stop, listen, & support- encourage homecare workers to be paid & treated fairly; recognize their value; think about how our worlds could be radically different without them. Hopefully kindness shown will be kindness returned- especially for our aging population who wants to stay at home.  

Take a listem & think- 

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