Mercer ELC Assembly Legislative Panel
Thursday, March 13, 2025 (8:00 AM - 10:00 AM) (EDT)
Governor Murphy gave his FY2026 budget address on February 25!
What will it mean for your business? Join us to network over breakfast with our local Legislative Leaders. Get their take on the budget, find out what priorities their office is focused on, and build the relationships that can be critical to your success.
Confirmed Speakers
Assemblyman Wayne DeAngelo (LD-14)
Assemblywoman Tennille McCoy (LD-14)
Assemblywoman Verlina Reynolds-Jackson (LD-15)
Assemblyman Roy Freiman (LD-16)
Assemblywoman Mitchelle Drulis (LD-16)
Unfortunately, Assemblyman Anthony Verrelli (LD-15) is unable to attend due to a family obligation.
In partnership NJBIA, the Mercer ELC series is held regularly throughout the year. Each event includes a featured speaker, and that speaker talks about what's happening at the intersection of government and business. A government affairs expert from NJBIA also provides an update on legislative and regulatory issues affecting employers.

50 Riverview Executive Park Rte 29
Trenton, NJ 08611